Scooter Safety
Quality & safety come first for us, as such we've developed an easy must follow "High Five 🖐🏽" Scooter Safety rules for kids to stick to.
Our safety rules below will keep kids safe while they're scooting to and from school or simply out having fun. Make it fun for kids to learn by printing out the safety rules and getting them to teach you!
Scooter Safety Rules
1. Be safe, be seen. 👀
2. Stop in time, every time. 🛑
3. Remember your manners.👼🏽
4. Cross like a boss. 🦓
5. Be alert.⚡
Remember - If you use your scooter regularly it needs regular maintenance too. Go to our maintenance page for information on how to keep your scooter in the best possible condition.
Go over these Scoot Safe tips with your child, then either test them or get them to test you. When you're out scooting together, make it a mini driving test, and let them tell you how they're using the rules.
1. Be safe, be seen. 👀
- Safety gear should always be worn, always a helmet and a bell is a great way to let people know you're coming.
- Wear bright clothing - not only will it make you feel happy it will help people see you coming.
- Your helmet should fit you well
- Make sure your helmet strap is safely locked in
- If an accident happens you risk a serious injury if you’re not wearing a helmet
- In case of an accident, the impact forces are up to 4 times your body weight
2. Stop in time, every time. 🛑
- Use your brake to slow down and then jump off to one side. This is the fastest way to stop.
- Step off when it's steep. Don't scoot down steep hills it may look like fun - but 6 weeks in a cast isn't.
- Take your time. Don't scoot too fast - so that you can stop safely and easily when you need to.
3. Remember your manners.👼🏽
- Make sure you don't scoot into other people on the footpath - get off and walk past old people or little children. It can be scary for them having you scoot to close.
4. Cross like a boss. 🦓
- Stand Back. Don't stand to close to a curb when you're waiting to cross - cars can come close when they're turning corners. A metre back is great.
Take extra care when crossing a road and always walk. Don't scoot!
5. Be alert.⚡
- Look out for driveways. Look and listen for cars when you come up to driveways and stop if a car is coming out.
- Look out for cracks or sticks and stones. You don't want to hurt your bones.
- Try not to use your scooter in the rain. If you have to, walk it home.

Technique 🛴✅🛴✅
- ✅ Keep away from scooting on the edge of the footpath, always scoot on the inside, away from the road
- ✅ Place your front foot as far to the front of the deck as possible.
- This means:
- There is more weight on the front wheel, to give you better grip
- The scooter cannot do a wheelie
- There is more space to put your back foot on the deck
- The scooter is easier to control and it is easier to apply the brake
- ✅ Change the foot which you kick your scooter with, from time to time.
- Better for your ankles to share your body weight
- Reduces the risk of muscle pain and other injuries
- Helps increase your turning skills and your sense of balance
- ✅ The best way to stop safely is to jump off your scooter.
- Practice jumping off your scooter while moving, run beside it (without dropping it), then stop
- Don’t drag your foot on the ground. Get off and take several steps
- The faster you are going, the more steps are needed for you to come to a complete stop
- ✅ Keep your outer foot on the deck when you turn.
- In left turns your left foot needs to be free; in right turns your right foot is free
- Your free leg can support you
- It allows you to make safer and tighter turns
- ✅ Shift your weight back over the brake lever when you brake.
- Braking is a lot better and it’s easier to control the scooter
- Use the brake to slow down rather than stop
- Try not to lock up or skid the back wheel
- ✅ Try not to use your scooter when it rains or when the riding surface is wet.
- When it is wet the braking distance is much longer than when you are on a dry surface
- If you do ride in the wet: ride slowly, carefully and start to brake earlier
- ✅ Stop a safe distance before intersections and driveways.
- Try to stop at least 3 scooter lengths before you cross a driveway or intersection
- Stop! Look! Listen! Think! and then walk across
- Use existing pedestrian ways
- Push or carry your scooter across a road
- If you are under 10 years old, hold the hand of a grown-up
Be Ready ⏰😎
- Ensure your front wheel is facing in the right direction.
- Having it pointing the wrong way increases the risk of accidents
- Check the difference by turning the handle. Most scooters have their logo facing the front
- Before you start riding, check to the left & right sides and behind you.
- To avoid the risk of collision with pedestrians or other vehicles
- Always know what is going on around you to reduce the risk of accidents
- Before any scooter is used, ensure that the steering tube is locked in place and that all the screws and bolts are tight.
- Riding at dusk, at night or in poor visibility is very dangerous and increases the risk of accidents and injury so please make sure you can be seen and heard.
- Always watch the terrain. Our scooters should not be used on wet, oily, sandy, gravelled, cracked or icy surfaces. Also make sure to avoid bumps and kerbs.
- In wet conditions there is a major risk of slipping, do not scoot in these circumstances.
- Be aware that if you make any modifications to your scooter the warranty is invalidated.
Q&A 🧐
Where am I allowed to ride?
- On footpaths and in pedestrian zones
- On bike paths/tracks.
Where am I not allowed to ride?
- On roads where there is motorised traffic
- In No-Pedestrian zones
- In zones where there are signs saying NO skates, skateboards or scooters.
What else must I be aware of?
- In general, scooters must follow the same rules as pedestrians
- Keep to the left and give way to people walking
- On bike paths, always follow the directions on the signs and keep out of the path of any bicycle
- In busy areas, slow down or get off your scooter and walk
- Always watch out for cars coming out of driveways.
- Try to learn the meanings of the key road and traffic signs, and obey these signs when riding your scooter.
Extra tips for parents 🛴🤗
- Children under 8 should ride with adult supervision at all times. Micro products should not be ridden by anyone under the recommended age limit.
- Safety equipment should be worn. Ensure that your child always wears a helmet and shoes with rubber soles. You might want to consider hi-visibility vests and accessories and elbow and knee pads too.
- Ensure that your child does not ride down any steep hills. The brake is not designed to decelerate from high downhill speeds.
- The brake pad becomes hot when it is used heavily. Make especially sure that your child does not keep the brake on for a long period of time. Explain to your child that direct skin contact may cause burns.
- Ensure that your child does not ride on roads or paths with motor vehicle traffic.
- Always make sure your child stops, gets off their scooter and looks before crossing any roads.
- Only one child may ride on the scooter at a time.
The maximum load is up to 35kg for the Mini Micro, up to 50kg for the Maxi Micro and up to 70kg on the Maxi Micro Deluxe.
What scooters best for my child?
The Maxi Micro Deluxe LED
The Maxi Micro Deluxe LED is designed for the ultimate in stability. It is built off of the lean to steer system turning similarly to skating/snowboarding/surfing to develop kids’ confidence whilst scooting! Surf turf to school this year with the Maxi micro Deluxe.
The Sprite scooter is our lightest most compact scooter - great for the school run. The adjustable handle bar means that the Sprite can grow with them over the years at school. Designed with a big 120mm polyurethane wheel for a smooth and safe ride to easily go over bumps in the pavement. Kids love the Sprite as its compact, easy to use and available in everyone’s favorite colour. It is also available in a LED option, with motion-powered light up wheels!
The Cruiser has rolled in’ to the to the top scooters for the school run as it has big adult sized 200mm wheels, so it can go further, faster with ease. Engineered for extra control and safety – the Cruiser has wide ‘retro’ handle bars making it more stable and easy to steer. Jump on! It’s all groovy.
Speed+ Special Edition
The Speed+ Special Edition is a safe bet for the older more confident kid. Engineered with a larger frame, wider deck and higher handle bar height. The 145mm polyurethane front and back wheels are super smooth. It’s an awesome choice for the school run for years to come!
Although our scooters are engineered with safety at the fore front of their design– it’s of utmost importance that kids ride safely too!
Check out our kids helmets and accessories to keep them seen, heard and safe.