150 Exciting Mother's Day Gift Ideas as Picked By You
With Mother’s Day racing around the corner (which is Sunday 14th of May this year, just as a quick FYI) it’s time to start thinking about the best gifts for mums, whether they’re new mums, mums of toddlers or grandmas.
To find the best mother's day gift, we did some market research of our own, we asked over 200 Mother’s what the best Mother’s Day gift they had ever received was. We’ve compiled our research for you below. We’ve grouped their answers into helpful sections, no matter if you're looking for a shared experience, the best first time Mother’s Day gift, how to make mother’s day gifts or buy them and even what to get grandma.
Looking for the perfect Mother's Day card? We have a great selection of downloadable colour-in cards for the kids to add that special home made touch.
![]() Love you Mum colour-in card: Download here
![]() Mum colour-in card: Download here
![]() Best Mum ever colour-in card: Download here

Best shared experiences for mothers day 🛴📷
- Both my kids have Micro scooters and love them. Hoping I can scoot with them. A New Micro scooter would be such an awesome Mother’s Day gift. 😎🛴
- The best gifts that I've ever received for Mothers Day are ones that give me more time with my kids (board games, outdoor games etc)! My kids got new micro scooters for Xmas and they're awesome... so awesome that I love to ride them as much as the kids and they are always pleading with me to please hop off and give them a turn of their own scooters!!
The best mother's day gift I received was my Downtown Micro Scooter for Mother's day in 2022! 🛴 My son thought it was awesome his mum could ride around with him in parks. When he said "what a mum!" I was secretly thrilled!! 😁😍 I would love a new scooter that's a bit lighter so I can use it to get to the station!
- For my first mothers day two years ago, my husband booked a photographer for a family photo shoot at our local beach! Such a thoughtful gift and we have the most beautiful photos to look at now! My baby girl is now a big two year old and we've got another wee bub too! Hoping hubby does it again this year!! 📷
- The best Mother’s Day gifts I have received are all those hand drawn cards and messy paintings that are supposed to be of me (see attached photo-hubby and I thought she had drawn me with big boobs but apparently they are my eyes and the top was my hair 😂) and of course big cuddles from my girls. I am the only family member without a micro scooter and would love this for the school run ❤️
- I got a child seat for my bike. 🚲✨At first I thought it was a bit strange but fell in love with it with being able to show my daughter the sites and being out in the fresh air. 🍃
Would love a scooter for my wife. Our full of beans 3 -year old daughter just got her first micro scooter last week and we need help keeping up!!!
- I received a pair of roller skates!! 🛹🤗Say what!?!? Yes! You read that correctly! My kids know better than anyone how uncoordinated their mother is!! But I gave it a go and after months of falling and many scratches later, it is now our favourite pastime! So many adventures, so much laughter and unforgettable memories! My kids gave me the gift of personal empowerment! Who knew a pair of skates could do that!? 🤩

Best first time/toddlers mothers day gifts 👼👶
- The best Mother’s Day gift I’ve ever received was spending my first Mother’s Day with my first child. I was so proud to be a mum, it was a great day. I’d love to win a scooter so I can scoot with my two boys. 🥰😍🤩😎 I bet you’d love one too!
- A Pandora heart charm saying mum. It was my 1st mother's day, and the baby was 6 weeks. Very surprised as I normally don't get anything or anything with lots of thought. I do like my handmade cards I get now too
My first Mother’s Day, I gave birth to my first child, she was placed into my arms with the words from all hospital staff🌸’Happy Mothers Day’🌸 television film crew came to the hospital and asked permission to film us for Mother’s Day, so we were all on television too!🌸
- My first child was born on May 5, but due to complications from the delivery, I was in and out of hospital for the next 2 weeks. I was lucky enough to have my parents visiting from overseas during this time, and I got to share my first Mother's Day as a mum with my new daughter and my mum. That was the best gift ever
- The best Mother’s Day gift was the first one I ever got (why....because it was the first handmade one EVER!), a glass jar painted with pink paint by my then 1 year old daughter - I’m still not entirely sure what to do with it 😂 but I know I’ll have it forever 💞
- A Pandora heart charm saying mum. It was my 1st mother's day, and the baby was 6 weeks. Very surprised as I normally don't get anything or anything with lots of thought. I do like my handmade cards I get now to
A coffee machine, after the fact because he didn’t think Mother’s Day was that important (my first Mother’s Day for that matter!). He’s since learnt his lesson!
- For my first Mother’s Day my husband surprised me with a jet boat ... yes a blimmen actual boat ...that he had named after me ... apparently so I wouldn’t try to sell it!! 🚤 I was very unconvinced about this ‘gift’ at the time but 7 years later and it has provided us with so many wonderful family boating adventures. I eat my words that it was a crazy idea! I’m sure you’ve had some gems over the years 💎💎
- Last year was my first Mother’s Day. My baby girl was born 1 May so just scraped in. I got a beautiful fluffy robe, a mug and pampered by hubby whilst loving our newborn bubble of snuggles. ❤️
- Best gift was breakfast and a walk with my bestie on Mother's Day. Restful and relaxing.🚶🏽♀️
- Last year was my first Mothers Day. Flowers and chocolate and a day off baby duties 🙌
One of my fav Mother’s Day presents was a personalised necklace of my first born name and it was so beautiful as when I would breastfeed he little fingers would grab the necklace as well. And I think having to hold him after the struggle of falling pregnant and then having to go through IVF it was the small things that brought happiness in this chaos world
- Hmm.. would have to say some muffin pjs for Mother’s Day was my favourite gift as my little man picked them out himself as I call him my muffin 😇🥄 and we love baking muffins together so makes me think he is super thoughtful in his gift giving #mumofboys
- A day of anything with no whining from the kids 👏🙌
How to make mothers day gifts 🧵💌🌈
Hack if you don’t want to read it all (lol). Hand made cards and hand picked flowers are a must.
- The drawings my kids do are always my favourite gift, their little personalities shine through in their artwork, and I usually have a good giggle over some interpretive drawing 😄
- The best Mother’s Day gift I have received is the fun items my kids select from the Mother’s Day stall and the beautiful homemade cards.
- The best gift is always the homemade cards because of the thoughtful words from their sweet little hearts ❤️
- Handmade crafts by daughters! I just treasure them so much ❤️
- Definitely handmade pictures by my 4 and 6 year old and flowers they hand picked ❤❤❤
A homemade movie, with my children in starring roles. Something I can treasure forever, the best! 🙌 💙💙💜
- Homemade personalised gifts are always the best 🥰🥰
- My daughter's first drawing was framed for me to see every morning as I walked through the lounge. Looking forward to getting many more hand made gifts over the years to come
- Brekkie in bed! winwinwin!! ❤️❤️❤️
- The best gift I've ever received was a cute card that my 6 yr old made for me, she had put love hearts over it and a photo of us! Very cute!!❤
The best gift is always the homemade cards because of the thoughtful words from their sweet little hearts ❤️
- My best Mother's day was in 2020. When I woke up, two envelopes (one per child) were handed to me by my children. When I opened the envelope, I found "new me". I discovered that I was 5yo, while my son was 3yo and my daughter was 6yo, and I had blue eyes, blue hair (I have dark brown eyes and hair) and lots of other cute things about me. My son made me laugh up to tears with his description of me.😇 Then, I had tears from the cherishing words of my daughter's poem. Later on, I was spoiled with hand and nail spa, run by my kids. I got a hand massage from my son, followed by manicure and nail polish by my daughter. 🌈🤩 I felt very special on that day to be called Mum of caring and loving two human beings who continue teaching me new skills since they were born.
- Nothing better than homemade gifts- Something the kids have put though, care and all the love into. Really makes you feel special ❤️
To this day and all the presents I’ve received the Soursobs my (at the time) 3 year old went and picked out the garden because he wanted to “give me more presents” will be the gift I will never forget ❤️
- A long sleep-in. Is there anything better?😍
- My best Mother’s Day was a card I got from my son the first time he started preschool with a big red love heart and cute little scribbles 💖💕
- My current state of sleep deprivation is making it terribly hard to remember mothers day gifts always filled with sweet cuddles kisses and hand written cards. ... Every day is a blessing with all my babes, one memory that does stand out was taking my SIL a coffee and sweet in hospital on mother's day after after birth of her beautiful baby boy (#3) before the kids had woken as her husband was looking after her other children. Mother moments shared are always more special ❤️❤️❤️
Received the best Mother’s Day card made by my daughter last year with a beautiful rose. She made it while we were in lockdown so it was very special and I felt so special. That’s the best special moment to be a mother😍🥰
- Anything my kids make themselves is the sweetest ❤️
- A macaroni necklace made by my then 18 month old Otis ❤️ the best kind of jewellery ☺️☺️😜
- My daughter's first drawing was framed in a photo frame for me to see every morning when I walk through the lounge. She’s only 22 months old so I’m looking forward to many more hand made gifts over the years to come 🥰
My best Mother’s Day gift was a handmade bookmark he decorated at childcare! I use it everyday and it makes me smile and makes my husband jealous of it! 📚
- A hand painted necklace from my daughter!
- My kids are fairly little so dad helps them make handmade cards. I’ve kept everyone they have given me so far
- My mother’s best Mother’s Day gift was me 😂😂😂 I was born on Mother’s Day 1983.
- My best gift is always cards and drawings from my girls
- I've never actually received a "gift", my gift which I class every day as my gift is my daughter herself. She had to be resuscitated when she was born and this will be my 11th mother's day with her. That's the only gift I will ever need from her 💖
My best gift was hand picked flowers from my garden and seeing my kids faces when they gave them to me. They were so proud of themselves.
- Not having to visit the kitchen and cook! Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served by hubby and daughter ❤️❤️
- Best Mumma’s Day gift, a beautifully decorated pen holder made from loo roll 😳 Made with so much ❤️
- Best gift I’ve received was a sleep in and dad taking the kids out to hand pick flowers, from all our neighbours gardens. The kids were so proud of themselves! 🥰
- My daughter made me an amazing bowl in pottery class!
- Can’t go past a good card
- I still love the little wooden box Ella chose from the Mother’s Day stall at school in prep 💕 how cool would I be riding one of these next to them ☺️
The key to mothers day breakfast in bed! ☕🥝🍓🥑🥯
- Not necessarily the best but certainly very memorable was my young daughter who was so super excited about making me breakfast in bed, and she put sultana bran and milk in a bowl and managed to carry it to the bedroom then split it all over the bed! But the beautiful card she made for me made up for it 🥰
- Last year was the first year celebrating as a single mum and my amazing babies 4-12 years made me vegemite toast with a very Chocolatey milo for breakfast and gave me a homemade Pedicure and massage. All thought and done by themselves. I was so impressed and so appreciative of them 🥰🌷✨🙏
Sultana and coconut sandwiches for breakfast in bed and hand made cards. This was over 20 years ago. Will never forget it, as I had to eat it in front of them. My Daughters are mothers themselves now.
- Best gift.... a sleep in 😂😂 Because I'm still 5 years down on sleep!
- Little things, kids 'surprise hugs in the morning, husband breakfast cooking, doing laundry, cleaning and then going off to the coast, followed by an evening dinner and beach walking. It's the small things that reminds me I'm a lucky mum.
Extra sleep dad took the baby & dog for a walk. Woke up to a clean and empty dishes. THE BEST FEEELIIING EVERRRR ❤️❤️
- I’m a Single Mama, and the best present I received was my little man waking me to an egg 🥚 on a piece of bread 🍞 #notcooked 😂 it’s the little things right! ❤️
- A sleep in and breaky in bed! Never received it and probs never will lol but the mother can dream right 😉 *hint hint*
- A sleep in...... because I’m still 5 years down on sleep 😂
How to pamper mum for mothers day 💕💟🌼
- A facial. During the weekend. But a free scooter would be the best 🛴
- The best Mother’s Day gift I received was lunch at a winery with my hubbie and little boy. After endless IVF treatments (no alcohol allowed), my little one needing open heart surgery and finally no more boob for my little one so could drink 🥳 to be with my boys, over the worst and together at last, having vino and fun was simply the best
A pamper afternoon with my daughter at school. Painting nails, pasta necklaces, shoulder massages, decorating cookies together and photo booth
- The best Mother’s Day present I’ve ever given my mum was a surprise pamper weekend at a luxury five star hotel in the city. It is something she would have never purchased herself & she loved it so much 😍
- My best Mother’s Day present was the one I bought myself, a handbag, I deserved it 😂😂
Best mothers day gifts to buy 💄💎👑
- Last year my husband bought me earrings with the money he'd been saving for a new blender. Meanwhile he's making his smoothies with a potato masher! It was the best gift because it was selfless and thoughtful. He gave up something he wanted to show me how much he appreciated everything I do for him and the kids. ❤️
- A cute teddy and a lovely necklace with our three names on it from my son and husband. Would love to win this as my son is super fast on his Micro scooter and has to keep stopping and waiting for me to catch up when we're out walking! 🐻😍
- My first Mother’s Day I got some beautiful charms to signify my first Mother’s Day. I still wear them now.
My favourite ever Mother’s day gift was a mug that says “mum you’re awesome”. It was my first Mother’s Day (our eldest is now 7), and it’s still used every single day! I just honestly loved it so much - my first (and only) mum mug!!
- My daughter recently bought me some earrings that she is saving to give me on Mother's day. I am really looking forward to it. She's only 11 but had some money and she chose to spend it on me.😀😍
- My children (5 & 7 at the time) saved up and went to the jewelry store. They both decided on a beautiful heart necklace and purchased it and then wrapped it all by themselves. The thought that went into purchasing the necklace was so beautiful. 😎
- Thankyou for the chance to win 🤞🤞
- My best mother’s day gift was apple watch ⌚️, my family is trying to remind me to love myself and do more exercises 😂
Super sentimental mothers day gifts
- My Mum was given a restored photo of her mother who passed away when she was a child, which was so thoughtful! ❤️
- My best Mother’s Day gift was the gifts from my first child the year after my own mother died. Mother’s Day is always bittersweet in this house but am very blessed to be a mother. Would love a scooter to keep up with my boys 😍
Mothers day gift for Grandma
- The best mothers day presents are the cards. Kids and grandchildren write beautiful notes. 😃
Want the perfect gift that has it all (or pretty close to it)? Check out our Mother's Day Scooters. We made sure that we had the right gift and the perfect mix of elements to make the best Mother’s Day gift in Australia. We found that what matters to Mums is that it’s home made by the kids, a shared experience and sentimental and often contains caffeine. And between us, we think we really do have a top contender.